Tag Film

I Watched Animal

When I say, ‘it’s complicated’, I do not mean the film has a complicated or nuanced story line. (Of course, such a story is not what the audience seems to have gone there for.) My sister dragged me to it, because she did not want to watch the treat all by herself. So, yes, I went for it after telling my brain not to look for logic. However, the fact that I am even attempting to write this post tells you that my brain ignored that advice anyway.

Reading the IAST

During my visit to Chennai the last month, I came across a film that was community-funded and community-made without paid professionals. This film was about the life of a Vaishnava guru of the thirteenth century, called Vedanta Desika, or Venkatacharya. The film Choice of script Introduction to the IAST If you know an Indian language My experience and discoveries The film The film is in Tamil. The idea of the film was to reach the story of the guru to common people, “during the times when people are forgetting their roots”.