Tag Travel

Responsibility for the Balasore Tragedy

This is a part of the series on the Balasore triple-train tragedy. In the previous parts, we looked at the different technical aspects of the Indian Railways, the audit observations from the CAG report, which pointed out the areas that need significant improvements, and looked at the politics of the matter. Handling of the case Inconsistencies A possible precedent The way forward If you did not read the the previous parts, I suggest you do:

The Politics of the Balasore Tragedy

This is a part of the series on the Balasore triple-train tragedy. In the previous parts, we looked at the different technical aspects of the Indian Railways, as well as the audit observations from the CAG report, that are relevant to the context. If you did not read the the previous parts, I suggest you do: Do you know Indian trains Operational Lapses in Indian Railways Here is what we will talk about in this part:

Operational Lapses in Indian Railways

This is a part of the series on the Balasore triple-train tragedy. In the previous part, we looked at the different technical aspects of the Indian Railways, that are relevant to the context. The part explains each of the terms you may come across when reading any story regarding the Balasore train tragedy. If you did not read the the previous part, I suggest you do: Do you know Indian trains In this part … well, everyone is talking of the CAG audit report; why not us?

Do you know Indian Trains

I have, like millions of Indians out there, been travelling long distances by the Indian Railways since infancy—since I was about six months old. And over these past three decades, I have read about tens of crashes including derailments. Even seen that odd wreckage during my train journeys. What happened on the 2nd of June was terrible, and I cannot possibly express what I feel about it, in words. I turned to TV news for updates, thinking for once they could be useful.

The Bengaluru Perimeter Ride

There are times when you start doubting yourself when people get into your head and make you believe what they say; no matter how much you tell yourself that they speak out of ignorance. I’m a skinny guy, by which I mean I look thin. It is very often that people look at me and be like, “Dude, you must be kidding,” whenever there is a talk of any physical activity.

Meetin’ a close friend o' yers after over a year…

Well I thought I must write this. These thoughts were the ones that came when I was running to the theatre from my best friend’s place this evening… bear with me if the thought flow is weird; can’t help it. In fact I’m writing this after I wrote what I wrote below. Okay so there I was standin at the door at about three in the afternoon. I’d rung the bell and was wondering if it’d rung inside looking at the dead elevator – I thought the building was outta power then (i was wearing my earphones and playin ‘Turn the page’ and couldn’t hear a thing of the outside world).